The Lost Path
By Amelie Flechais
Published by Lion's Forge
During a treasure hunt at summer camp, our three main characters decide to take a shortcut through the woods to get ahead. Unfortunately this doesn't go as planned, and they end up in the cursed forest, where none may leave and all sorts of magical stuff happens. They must try and get out, while pursued by forces much greater then themselves.
The art is spectacular. It switches between two main styles: mixed medium colored sections that really get the awe of the place across, and black and white ink drawings rich with detail. The two styles really add to the overall dreamlike qualities of the narrative, and help the reader empathize with our main characters.
The characters are bland and boring, save the one who thinks he's a robot. It doesn't really play into the story much, more serving as a brief section of comic relief. The characters don't really have agency in the story, instead merely wandering from one spectacular sight to another. Over all they aren't as fleshed out as they could be.
The setting is interesting and varied, but underdeveloped. The cursed forest is beautiful and interesting, but we are only seen a very small snapshot of it. It mainly works on fairy-tale/dream logic, where anything goes. I would love to see more adventures in the forest.
The plot's kinda bad. It's a railroad of interesting moments strung together by "the characters walk through the woods. You could cut it up and rearrange the pieces and the story would be the same. I would have liked more of a through-line with the characters making interesting decisions, but unfortunately it was just them walking through the woods.
The book has a bland story and bland characters, but the setting and world make up for it. If you want something pretty for your eyes, this book will do you good.
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